Sfantul Nicolae s-a nascut in Orientul Mijlociu la nord de Bethleem,a trait in secolul al IV-lea si a fost cardinalul de Myra(acum aflata pe teritoriul Turciei).El a fost cunoscut pentru credinta,zelul si dragostea pentru oameni,in special pentru copii.
Nicolae provenea dintr-o familie instarita,iar la moarte ambilor parinti a mostenit intreaga avere,pe care a folosit-o pentru a-i ajuta pe oamenii nevoiasi.In noaptea 5 spre 6 decembrie,se spune ca Mos Nicolae vine la geamuri si vede copiii care dorm si sunt cuminti, lasandu-le in ghetute,dulciuri si diverse cadouri.
Tot el este acela care-i pedepseste pe cei lenesi si neascultatori lasandu-le o nuielusa.Spre deosebire de Mos Craciun,Mos Nicolae nu se arata niciodata.De altfel,povestea darurilor impartite pe furis in aceasta noapte incepe din vechime.Legenda spune ca trei surori,fete sarmane ,nu se puteau casatori datorita situatiei financiare dificile si de aceea tatal lor vroia sa le vanda.
Se spune ca atunci cand fata cea mare a ajuns la vremea maritisului,Nicolae,care era episcop, a lasat noaptea,la usa casei lor,un saculet cu aur.
Situatia s-a repetat si in cazul surorii mijlocii,astfel ca,atunci cand i-a venit vremea si fetei mici,tatal s-a hotarat ca in noaptea dinaintea nuntii sa stea de paza si l-a vazut pe Sfantul Nicolae cum a urcat pe acoperisul casei si a aruncat pe horn un saculet care a cazut intr-o soseta ce era pusa la uscat.
De aici a aparut obiceiul asezarii sosetutelor sau a ghetutelor in noaptea de Mos Nicolae.Cardinalul l-a rugat pe nobil sa pastreze secretul,insa acesta nu a facut-o si de atunci fiecare sarac care primea ceva,ii multumea lui Nicolae.
Cei trei saculeti de aur facuti cadou fetelor au devenit simbolul Sfantului Nicolae,sub forma a trei bile de aur.
joi, 15 decembrie 2011
duminică, 11 decembrie 2011
Legenda ...lui...Mos Craciun
Mosul este un personaj simpatic,rumen in obraji,cu o burtica prietenoasa,cu barba lunga si alba.Un om blajin
care reuseste sa aduca zambetul pe buze tuturor copiilor.El este imbracat intr-un costum alb cu rosu si poarta o curea neagra.In viziunea initiala,Mos Craciun purta un costum rosu cu nasturi negri.Vinovata de pletele albe este compania Coca-Cola.Se pare ca versiunea Mosului care a ramas imprimata in mintea noastra este cea propusa de compania de bauturi racoritoare.
Legenda spune ca Maica Domnului,fiind cuprinsa de durerile nasterii,l-a rugat pe Mos Ajun sa-i gazduiasca.Deoarece era sarac,el a refuzat-o,dar a trimis-o la fratele lui mai mic si mai bogat,Mos Craciun.Ajunsa la casa lui Craciun,Maica Domnului o gaseste acasa pe sotia acestuia ,Craciuneasa si ii cere acesteia adapost.Craciuneasa era o femeie buna,insa stiindu-si sotul rau si necredincios,ii gazduieste in grajdul vitelor.Apoi,fara sa-i spuna sotului ei Craciuneasa o ajuta pe Maica Domnului sa-L nasca pe Pruncul Iisus.Afland cele intamplate,Craciun isi pedepseste sotia taindu-i mainile.Maica Domnului,printr-o minune,o vindeca,lipindu-i mainile la loc Craciunesei.Mos Craciun , vazand aceasta se caieste si ii cere iertare lui Dumnezeu,devenind astfel''primul crestin''.Se spune ca el s-a cait atat de mult,incat a doua zi si-a impartit intreaga avere copiilor saraci.De atunci,in fiecare an in Ajunul Nasterii Domnului(24 decembrie),Mos Craciun vine cu sania trasa de reni,intra pe horn su pune sub brad cadourile.Cei 9 reni sunt: Rudolph,Dasher,Dancer,Prancer,Vixen,Comet,Cupid,Donder i Blitzen.Conducatorul acestora este Rudolph,renul cu nas rosu.
care reuseste sa aduca zambetul pe buze tuturor copiilor.El este imbracat intr-un costum alb cu rosu si poarta o curea neagra.In viziunea initiala,Mos Craciun purta un costum rosu cu nasturi negri.Vinovata de pletele albe este compania Coca-Cola.Se pare ca versiunea Mosului care a ramas imprimata in mintea noastra este cea propusa de compania de bauturi racoritoare.
Legenda spune ca Maica Domnului,fiind cuprinsa de durerile nasterii,l-a rugat pe Mos Ajun sa-i gazduiasca.Deoarece era sarac,el a refuzat-o,dar a trimis-o la fratele lui mai mic si mai bogat,Mos Craciun.Ajunsa la casa lui Craciun,Maica Domnului o gaseste acasa pe sotia acestuia ,Craciuneasa si ii cere acesteia adapost.Craciuneasa era o femeie buna,insa stiindu-si sotul rau si necredincios,ii gazduieste in grajdul vitelor.Apoi,fara sa-i spuna sotului ei Craciuneasa o ajuta pe Maica Domnului sa-L nasca pe Pruncul Iisus.Afland cele intamplate,Craciun isi pedepseste sotia taindu-i mainile.Maica Domnului,printr-o minune,o vindeca,lipindu-i mainile la loc Craciunesei.Mos Craciun , vazand aceasta se caieste si ii cere iertare lui Dumnezeu,devenind astfel''primul crestin''.Se spune ca el s-a cait atat de mult,incat a doua zi si-a impartit intreaga avere copiilor saraci.De atunci,in fiecare an in Ajunul Nasterii Domnului(24 decembrie),Mos Craciun vine cu sania trasa de reni,intra pe horn su pune sub brad cadourile.Cei 9 reni sunt: Rudolph,Dasher,Dancer,Prancer,Vixen,Comet,Cupid,Donder i Blitzen.Conducatorul acestora este Rudolph,renul cu nas rosu.
luni, 5 decembrie 2011
Un craciun de vis...wow
Mai intai ...: E Craciun! Este divin! Ne uitam pe geam afara…prin
zapada Mosul zboara ? …Ni se trage de la
Aho, aho, prieten bun...
Care stai pe mess acum...
I-a opreste-te din scris...
Si-asculta ce-am de zis...
Chiar de esti cu DND...
Sper sa nu imi dai ignore...
Ca iti spun un plugusor...
N-am intrat sa te stresez...
Am intrat sa iti urez...
La Multi Ani si fericire...
Liste de id-uri pline!......
Sarbatori fericitee!!!!!

zapada Mosul zboara ? …Ni se trage de la
Aho, aho, prieten bun...
Care stai pe mess acum...
I-a opreste-te din scris...
Si-asculta ce-am de zis...
Chiar de esti cu DND...
Sper sa nu imi dai ignore...
Ca iti spun un plugusor...
N-am intrat sa te stresez...
Am intrat sa iti urez...
La Multi Ani si fericire...
Liste de id-uri pline!......
Sarbatori fericitee!!!!!
My status day...some love
1.You're the tear that falls of my face and brakes in my hand..you're love:*
2.The distance makes us be far away but makes our hearts be closer...I stay alone,I hear my heart beating,all disupears with the sadness in your soul:*
3.A tear I have gived away for you,the tear falled slowly and it changed to a love dream
4.Every day withouth you...is like the world without the sun:-b
5.If I will tell you I like you,it would be a lie..I love you with all my spirit
6.My life is yours...The love I carry for you is more powerfull than anything and you..You are the princess/prince of my dreams
7.Love is like the snow..it falls easy,it makes you freeze and then it dissupears
8.I love you..I love you...I love you...This withouth any other words
9.Love is an element of nature full of imagination
10.I don't imagine a night without day..I really can't imagine me withouth you
2.The distance makes us be far away but makes our hearts be closer...I stay alone,I hear my heart beating,all disupears with the sadness in your soul:*
3.A tear I have gived away for you,the tear falled slowly and it changed to a love dream
4.Every day withouth you...is like the world without the sun:-b
5.If I will tell you I like you,it would be a lie..I love you with all my spirit
6.My life is yours...The love I carry for you is more powerfull than anything and you..You are the princess/prince of my dreams
7.Love is like the snow..it falls easy,it makes you freeze and then it dissupears
8.I love you..I love you...I love you...This withouth any other words
9.Love is an element of nature full of imagination
10.I don't imagine a night without day..I really can't imagine me withouth you
duminică, 14 august 2011
Dangerous animals and insects
Dangerous animals and insectsVenomous and poisonous animals in RomaniaSmall introduction to the world zootoxinelor
Definition venom:
Venom - toxic substance, usually liquid, made by some body in the sting or bite venom inoculated.They named the poisonous animals and the like toads that secrete toxins through the skin glands are specialized named poisonous animals.
Some venoms are less toxic (mosquitoes, fleas, gadfly, ants, etc.), others are highly toxic (cobrele, coral snakes of South America, poison frogs of the genus Dendrobates, etc.).However, a less toxic venom known to be very dangerous if it leads to a swelling of the airways (risk of death by asphyxia) or a generalized allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). These two risks are mainly in case of bite - especially multiple stings - by Hymenoptera (bees, wasps). Destructive action of venoms can have on the blood (haemolysis or destruction of red blood cells), nervous system (the presence of neurotoxins responsible for neuroliză) and / or the liver (hepatic cytolysis).
The treatment of accidents caused by venoms require immediate care, designed to limit the dissemination of toxic substance and relieve itching or pain (with a suction pump venom sold in pharmacies, the application of cold water, pieces of ice). For the second time, possibly taking antihistamines and epinephrine, to combat the allergic effect of the venom and injecting specific antitoxic sera may be useful. A tetanus serum injection and taking antibiotics (against superinfection) may be associated. Finally, in severe cases required hospitalization and emergency resuscitation maneuvers.
Animals in Romania
In Europe, unlike other continents are few poisonous species.And in our country a small number of venomous or poisonous vertebrates are the most toxic and are considered the three existing species of vipers, although many invertebrates are considered dangerous to our country, their venom is not as strong as in the case where invertebrates tropical.
And the first group of animals that toxicological interest is
Celenteratelor Group (coarlii and jellyfish)
Aquatic animals that live in the sea. Urtica or possess sticky cells. Of these, jellyfish are most common, often seen by tourists on the Black Sea.They present urzicatoare filaments, whereby the external excitation, expel a substance with local, causing the skin rashes.Absorption of large amounts of toxic substances cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dyspnea, depression, collapse, and other phenomena that usually disappear after 24 hours.Very common in the seas and oceans of the world, the species present on the Romanian coast gold Aurelia (jellyfish month).
Gold Aurelia (jellyfish month).
In the Black Sea have been described 5 species of echinoderms of the class Ophiuroidea. They have similar morphology asteroideelor (starfish), with body part consists of a discoidal and five radial arms, arms that are less flattened dorsal-ventral and not touching the basal region.The spikes on the arms they drafted, especially during breeding with genital glands, poisonous substances. Also secrete venom and other external bodies.Meeting held exclusively with these beings, especially in our Black Sea is very small.
Amphiura sp.
Ophioderma sp.
Invertebrate animals, no legs, that body soft, ovate, glossy skin, whose living environments are the ground and water. Also, many worms are parasites, their hosts as plants and animals.An important sea worms are intestinal parasites which ye worms group, examples include: tapeworm, fluke, or group cylindrical worms: threadworm, Ascarida, pinworms and Limbricul.Worms have the ability to produce toxins. Parasitized individual venom provoacand gastrointestinal worms, liver and nervous. In some cases when the amount of venom is too high, Epileptic seizures were observed, choreice phenomena, mental disorders etc.. All these disorders are caused by toxins removed from these animals.
Ascaris lumbricoides (limbricul)
Taenia ovis (tapeworm)
A large number of arthropods have developed systems based on attack and defense chemical cocktailri here will remember:- MiriapodeleCentipedeleMilipedele- Spiders- Scorpions- Insects
I am an exclusive group of terrestrial arthropods, characterized both by primitive traits - especially in terms of external morphology and internal organization by.Of the two groups of myriapods (Centipede and milipede), both are important because both groups have developed a defense system based on toxic substances.
CentipedeleCentipedelor bite can be very painful, there is a local inflammation, necrosis and limfanagita. General signs: dizziness, fever, muscle cramps. Fatal cases are rare especially in children present. Some may be harmful to humans myriapods if swallowed with fruit (or feed for animals). Treatment is symptomatic.In Romania the most common is Centipede Lithobius forficatus (known as the earwig or runner-on-stone). Bite of this species is harmless to humans. However there is a giant centipede species in our Danube Delta in Romania.
Lithobius forficatus (earwig)
MilipedeleDue to lack of speed and inability to bite or sting, milipezii have developed a defense mechanism is to curl into a tight coil - protecting their delicate legs inside an armor. Many species secrete poisonous liquid secretions or hydrogen gas through microscopic pores are ceanurat over their bodies as a secondary defense mechanism. Some of these substances are caustic and can burn the exoskeleton of insect predators, skin and eyes of larger predators such as mammals. Although these cocktails are mostly harmless.
At least in Romania, milipezilor chemical cocktails are harmless but can cause minor effects on the skin, mainly the effects of the discoloration and other effects may include pain, itching, local irritation, swelling, blisters, eczema, and rare cracking skin. Eye exposure to these secretions causes general eye irritation and possibly more side effects such as conjunctivitis and keratitis.First aid is to rinse the area thoroughly with water, adding treatment is based on the local side effects.
Excellent hunting spiders are mostly harmless man only a percentage of 1-2% of spiders described up to now in the world can leave wounds and may lead to death.Venom is a complex mixture of substances that act in different ways and affect different organs.There are several types of venom but the most important animal in the world and especially in the world of spiders, the venom and venom neurototix necrotic.
As for the venom gland of the bag it looks elongated, located in front of prosomei (cefalotoracelui), whose excretory duct penetrates and opens the top chelicere Cange, subterminal on their convex face.Effectiveness of their action is also human variable. Some are completely harmless, others cause mild pain, transient, like a wasp sting, others take serious action. Some act only on the nervous system, with decreasing temperature and even death, other causes local cellular injury and degeneration as wounds, stretching the skin and heal slowly.
Few spiders have venom in Romania powerful enough to produce human discomfort.
Latrodectus mactans or black widow
Latrodectus mactans yet (black widow) is found in our country.Was detected in the Danube Delta. In Popina Island and on the beam Letea. Female bite is poisonous to humans and is followed by formation of papules congestion, swelling, pain and local, vomiting, breathing difficulties and her seldom bite can be deadly. Venom, a neurotoxin, affecting children and older people more severely than healthy adults. However, the spider is not aggressive, biting people only to defend themselves if disturbed, this spider is active at night lurk day, it is difficult to see and to have a contact at least in our country. People can become immune to the bites healed of the same species of Latrodectus.
Lycosa tarantula singoriensis or Romanian
It is the largest species of spider in our country. Adults living in galleries dug into the soil, nocturia, juveniles are active during the day.Lycosa species singoriensis bite is very unpleasant for humans.After Marikovski (1956), the effects can bite as soon as the spider venom inoculated, there is an intense pain that lasts about 24 hours after inoculation site becomes red and swollen bite hard. Dura are present in the body. Begins to be felt after a few minutes a general malaise - the apathy and somnolentan being accompanied by a feeling of stiffness. After about an hour there is a heaviness in his body, appears nevoeia sleep and light pain in the lower thoracic cage and some shortness of breath. After 4 hours of the bite patient slept about an hour but keep Dyspnoea.After 5 hours, abnormal sensations disappear leaving only local pain.Death can occur only after anaphylactic shock.Being nocturnal and living in galleries anuimale man comes in contact with the spider hard.
Other examples of spiders that can cause human discomfort:
Tegenaria atrica (paianjenu house) - common near human locuitele not very infrequently and entering houses, stairs blloc prefer, they are dark and dusty corners of the canvas.
Tegenaria atrica
Phoneutri nigriventer or banana spider
These spiders have a bad reputation because their venom toxicity and because they are not reluctant in terms of attacks on other species including humans who represent a danger. P. nigriventer is responsible for most cases of venom poisoning in Brazil, because here is found in highly populated areas such as São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo.Phoneutria has a very poisonous bite.Recent studies suggest that these spiders venom inoculated in about a third of the bites and may inoculate only a small amount of venom.
Species venom contains a neurotoxin P. nigriventer, known as PhTx3 that block calcium channels that inhibit glutamate release and assimilation of calcium and glutamate synapse assimilate into neurons. At concentrations deadly neurotoxin that causes loss of muscle control, and respiratory problems, leading to paralysis and eventual suffocation. In addition, the venom causes intense pain and swelling from the bite. This sensory nerve stimulation causes a release of neuropeptides such as substance P causing inflammation and pain.These spiders bite can result in only local pain but in all cases, the bite should seek immediate emergency treatment, the venom can make them life-threatening.This species, although not living in Romania, it is important to know that it can be made with shipments of fruit, especially bananas with the transport of the countries of origin that is also called spider or spider banana traveler. Very rarely, perhaps once in a lifetime we have the opportunity to meet with him in supermarkets in the district with fruit.
Other species of spiders that come from warmer areas of the world, such as Pholcus Phalangioides, although it has a strong venom, has developed chelicerele enough to penetrate human skin and inoculate venom in or other vertebrate animals.Tarantulas, exotic animals kept in captivity passionate, even if they are not fierce. Their bite, in most species, there is a wasps pariculoasa than bite.
Pholcus Phalangioides (spider dust)
Euscorpius carpathicus
The venom of scorpions found in the last segment of the tail at the end they find a claw with which venom is injected. It contains a toxalbumina, which acts primarily on the nervous system, but has necrotizing and hemolytic action. Sting is painful. In severe cases of general phenomena can occur: headache, vâjâituri, seizures, nausea, vomiting, cyanosis, cold sweats. These phenomena may progress to coma and even death especially in children.In mild, treatment is just about binding and sucking the wound and wash the place with ammonia, potassium permanganate solution or calcium hypochlorite.Although when it comes to scorpions, many think of those in desert areas and those brought in Romania as pets, you should know that in our country and there is a species that has adapted to climate and environmental conditions from us calledEuscorpius carpathicus.
Although many insects are harmless, several hexapod and have formed a defense system based on chemical cocktails.Venom consists of secretion of two galnde put together, a jet-acting drugs and flogogena acid and another with alkaline reaction, which contains toxalbumine acting neurotoxic, hemolytic and bleeding.Sting can cause pain alive, papillary edema and local and persistent redness few days. Accidents can see the sting in the mouth, throat, face or eyes. Intravenous sting can be when done on hand or neck. In this case the action of venom is manifested by headache, nausea, vomiting, seizures, collapse, pulmonary edema, paralysis and death to be installed by heart and respiratory center.10 bites generally cause poisoning, and 100 are considered as deadly sting.Recommended against removing the needle bites and washing with alcohol mint ammonia, hypochlorite solution, tincture of iodine diluted.
Or honey bee Apis mellifera
Honey bee has a poison gland abdomen. Venom is a colorless liquid, acid, bitter, containing a complex mixture of proteins, causing local inflammation and acts as an anticoagulant. A 0.1 mg bee venom can be injected, and then dies. Venom is similar to the serpent and stinging toxin and can be deactivated with ethanol. It is estimated that 1% of the population is allergic to bee venom.Bee venom is used to treat rheumatism and other inflammatory diseases in people allergic desensitization to insect stings.
Or wasp Vespa vulgaris
Wasp sting is painful to humans, but the toxicity varies greatly with species of wasp. Can cause death by anaphylactic shock, except that immediately injected adrenaline. Wasp sting several times in her life because they do not break the needle out of the skin.
Although the toxicity of venom is Depending on the species.They attack in mass and contains an alkaloid venom or fasciitis resulting in pain and the formation of white pustules on the day after the bite. They are very difficult to destroy, are numerous and strong.
Hairy caterpillars of lepidopterelor
Caterpillars are a cause of human health problems. Many are poisonous and can cause serious harm to humans from hives to asthma, renal failure and intracerebral hemorrhage. The most common are skin irritations, but deaths have been reported.Brushes, which can readily penetrate the house, now in contact with the eyes produce kerato-conjunctivitis.
Vesicatoria or cantharides Lyttle
Beetle contains up to 5% cantaridină it irritates animal tissues.Spanish powder is made from brown-olive cantaridină with iridescent, with unpleasant odor and bitter taste. Aqua toffana of Naples was one of the poisons associated with the Medicis.Used in small doses for homeopathic products with aphrodisiac effects.
Culex pipiens mosquito or common
Saliva flows through the tube and acts salivary anesthetic at first, and then takes action flogogena, manifested by pruritic lesions with formation of induration that may last for 1-2 days. Wash sting site with alcohol mint 1 / 20 formalin or alcohol fifth bring relief.
Other examples of insects and arachnids that can sting a man with certain substancestoxic and can transmit some diseases are mainly parasitic arthropods (fleas, ticks); Taunii (Tabanus bovinus), various species of biting diptych as manure that can carry anthrax Tze-Tze or bite can transmit sleeping sickness in humans, etc. .
There are many poisonous species that live mostly in warm waters of countries and most are marine.Some fish have poisonous blood, others have a special issue of poison and can spread by bite, sting or contact.Those with blood poison, toxalbumina found throughout the body in certain organs or milk and eggs, especially during fertilization.The fish presenting thorns poisonous, their bite can cause pain and swelling, and as acting general convulsions, delirium, collapse and even death.Example of poisonous fish in our country: turbot (Scophthalmus maeoticus), Catfish (Silurus glanis) and barbel (Barbus Barbus) - the last two eggs and milt only species contain toxins.
Sleep - Photography variety albino - (Silurus glanis)
Turbot (Scophthalmus maeoticus)
Although amphibians from us are not as poisonous as exotic species, such Dendrobatidaele, all amphibians from us, whether Anura (amphibian tail - Locks) and urodele (tailed amphibians - Salamandra-) are specialized cells of the epidermis that secrete certain toxins that can cause irritation in humans.
Rana sp.
Among the species of the genus Bufo salientia (Bufo bufo - brown toad, Bufo viridis - green toad) produce and secrete the dermal glands on the back-acting local irritants, and substances nitrogen derivatives as bufotoxina sterinei, bufofagina and bufotalina .Poison frog multimple properties: it is tachichard, seizure, paralyzing, and local action is caustic and analgesic.
Bufo viridis - Green Toad
And the urodele, dermal glands excreted salamander and a caustic substance called toxic salamandrina seizure.Venom with crest newt - Triturus cristatus is paralyzing action, tetanizanta.
Salamandra salamandra - Photo by Alex Stefanescu
Although lizards in our country are not venomous and not poisonous, yet we find in Romania three species of vipers of great importance in toxicology, namely:
Vipera berus (common viper or adder cross);
Vipera ammodytes (horned viper);
Ursin viper (Vipera steppe) - found in the Transylvanian Plateau and Vipera Ursin Renard found in Delta
Snake venom is viscous, pale yellow, odorless and tasteless, partially soluble in water, completely soluble in salt water, dry grind. Immediately after the bite, the patient alive simpte pain radiating to the root member, and over a quarter of an hour to install a painful swelling.In terms of overall symptoms by affecting the nervous system, the patient immediately simpte a weakness, headache, muscle cramps, may have seizures, sensitivity disorders, paralysis, impaired aware, getting to coma in severe cases. By altering capillary permeability and inhibiting blood clotting, bleeding occurs in different intensities in both the bite site and remote, gums, subconjunctival hemorrhages in various organs and skin, sometimes hematuria. In the digestive system appear abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth. Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders occur simultaneously with dyspnea.Death usually installed by paralysis respiratory center.
In the treatment of people bitten by an adder are given some general measures immediately:
Slowing the absorption of venom by applying a tourniquet above the bite site that weakens every 30-60 s every 15-20 min. You can apply ice and place the bite or member can enter the water with a low temperature. Diffusion against longer recommend sucking venom bite site or a sucker or mouth, provided that at which this operation should not have lesions in your mouth.
Neutralization of venom at penetration that can be done by washing the wound with potassium permanganate solution or calcium hypochlorite 1%.
Seroterapia, using polyvalent serum antiviperin applied as early.The dose used varies according to the intensity of symptoms, time since the bite, age and weight of the bit.
Vipera berus adder or common
Bites are relatively common due to the large areal spread in Europe. Venom toxicity is relatively low compared with other species of viper. Symptoms include local pain and immediate swelling followed after a few minutes and a tingling sensation.The pain spreads throughout the body within hours. Necrosis are very rare. Dangerous is anaphylactic shock which can occur every 5 minutes after the bite, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, urinary incontinence and fecal, sweating, fever, vasoconstriction, tachycardia, unconsciousness, shock, swelling of face , lips, gums, tongue, throat and epiglottis, urticaria and bronchospasm. In severe cases, cardiovascular failure may occur. There are at least eight types of antivenin. First aid is to apply ice and compression bitten area. Medical venom doses reduce blood clotting in patients with vascular problems.
Besides the animals listed before, should know that a relatively small number of birds (three species) such as the ridge Pitohuiul (Pitohui dichrous) - which is found only in Papua New Guinea -; Thrush small (Colluricincla megarhyncha) that found in Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea - and Ifrita head blue (Ifrita kowaldi) - which meets in New Guinea - have developed a defense system based toxins that seem to take from the foodthey consume. Venom is easily spread to people who come into physical contact with birds, but is not dangerous unless ingested.Among mammals, also not found in our country, yet I remember platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) and lazy Loris (Nycticebus bengalensis).
In conclusion
Animal venom is an adaptation of lifestyle.
Venom used for killing prey and only secondarily for defense.Danger that a man is bitten by a venomous animal is less than previously believed. Generally animals bite just to defend is often caused. Therefore necunoscatorii should avoid even the threat neveninoase animals.
In recent years and put today put great emphasis on the use of venom produced by various animals for medical purposes.Attention is directed to this area specialists, not so much for creating antiveninuri as possible especially for practical use of these toxins, which in small quantities, have a therapeutic effect in different diseases or contribute to the investigation of human health (using the analysis laboratory).
Products apiterapeutice
In Romania there are few poisonous species, and those that exist are not very dangerous. In most animal bite is harmless, or has local side effects and not very serious, but a real risk the negative effects of venom they have children, the elderly and those who are prone to anaphylactic shock due to the cocktail of toxic substances produced by animal glanele.
Some images were taken from the Internet using the search engine www.google.com
You can also read about:
- Black widow Latrodectus tredecimgutatus or- Lycosa Tarantula singoriensis or Romanian- Pelobates fuscus or ground frog- Argyoneta aquatica or European water spiderPUBLISHED BY GABRIEL IOSOB ALINLabels: amphibians, ANIMALS FROM ROMANIA, ANIMAL poisonous venom ANIMALS, arthropods jellyfish, millipede, poison spiders, reptiles, Scorpio, toxins, poison, intestinal worms,
marți, 2 august 2011
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