Park Place - Ovidiu Junghiatu
Ovidiu s-a nascut la data de 24.03.1987 la Bucuresti, iar primele contacte cu lumea artistica le-am avut in anul 1992, la varsta de 5 ani, cand a fost cooptat in ansamblul de dans modern "Primavara" de la Palatul Copiilor condus de Angela Melcescu, unde a activat timp de 6 ani.
In paralel, de la varsta de 6 ani, a urmat cursuri de vioara tot la Palatul Copiilor in cadrul "Ansamblului Adagio" condus de Oana Parvu.
Mai tarziu, la indemnul compozitorului Dinu Giurgiu, a fost indrumat sa urmeze Liceul de Muzica Dinu Lipatti, prin urmare la varsta de 7 ani a fost admis primul in promotia sa.
"Pana la varsta de 14 ani am avut numeroase activitati artistice ca dansator, cantaret si violonist.", povesteste artistul.
Desi nu este cunoscut publicului larg, pana in prezent a avut numeroase spectacole si filmari, iar la varsta de 10 ani a reprezentat Romania la Festivalul Bucuriile Europei de la Belgrad. Cu aceasta ocazie a fost invitat la televiziunea nationala pentru a interpreta la vioara piesa"Ciocarlia", lucru ce i-a adus titulatura de cel mai tanar interpret al acestei piese.
"Am avut ocazia sa cant de nenumarate ori pe scena Salii Palatului ca solist vocal si solist dansator.", completeaza Ovidiu.
La varsta de 9 ani l-a cunoscut pe Laurentiu Duta devenind astfel unul dintre primii intrerpreti ai compozitiilor acestuia.
A luat lectii de interpretare actoriceasca la varsta de 10 ani la teatrul Ion Creanga si a participat la emisiunea "Trei Pentru O Masca".
"De la varsta de 14 ani m-am axat exclusiv pe instrument unde am avut satisfactii profesionale. La 15 ani am intrat in ansamblul folcloric "Rapsodia Romana" ca violonist principal unde am activat pana la 18 ani, iar in paralel am concertat pe scena Ateneului Roman,Palatului Parlamentului, Cotroceni si a Salii Radio."
"La 21 de ani am fost cooptat in trupa Esspresso viitoarea Park Place, unde am interpretat piese din repertoriul international, piese cu grad mare de dificultate, de la jazz blues, rock funk, pop la etno funk. Am participat la multe evenimente unde am fost apreciat de nume sonore ale muzicii(Ioan Gyuri Pascu, Provincialii, Heaven, Nico, Constantin Enceanu). Ma laud cu performanta de a fii cantat de-a lungul carierei mai toate genurile de muzica ca instrumentist (clasica, folclor, muzica lautareasca, muzica balcanica, house, etno jazz) si ca vocalist (funk, jazz blues, rock, house).", povesteste artistul.
La jumatatea anului 2009 a inceput colaborarea cu Dj Delyno alaturi de care, chiar de la prima incercare, a lansat piesa "I have the world" care in prezent se bucura de un real succes.
Momentan este student la Universitatea Spiru Haret la "Facultatea de Muzica" anul 3 si incepand de anul viitor si-a propus sa urmeze cursurile de master la Conservatorul Bucuresti.
In Martie 2010 a semnat cu agentia de management si impresariat artistic "Star Agency" si, impreuna cu managerul sau Tiberius Marian, a semnat cu casa de discuri MediaPro Music.
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Taguri: Park Place, i have the world, mediapro music, mediapromusic, 2010, house,Genuri: House
See it in your eyes
See it in your smile
This is the right time
I know you'll be mine
There's a place for us
There's one dream of you
Music wakes me up
Are you dreaming too?
I'm running out of time
Searching for your smile
To feel your heart
Briefing next to mine (x2)
See it in your eyes
See it in your smile
This is the right time
I know you'll be mine
There's a place for us
There's one dream of you
Music wakes me up
Are you dreaming too?
Time to be free
Time to see me
Time to let me in your heart (x2)
I'm running out of time
Searching for your smile
To feel your heart
Briefing next to mine (x2)
For all I might lose
If you bring you home
Right into my arms
Right where you belong
There's a place for us
There's one dream of you
Music wakes me up
Are you dreaming too?
Time to be free
Time to see me
Time to let me in your heart (x2)
I'm running out of time
Searching for your smile
To feel your heart
Briefing next to mine (x2)
To mïne... (x10)
See it in your eyes
See it in your smile
This is the right time
I know you'll be mine
There's a place for us
There's one dream of you
Music wakes me up
Are you dreaming too?
I'm running out of time
Searching for your smile
To feel your heart
Briefing next to mine (x2)
See it in your eyes
See it in your smile
This is the right time
I know you'll be mine
There's a place for us
There's one dream of you
Music wakes me up
Are you dreaming too?
Time to be free
Time to see me
Time to let me in your heart (x2)
I'm running out of time
Searching for your smile
To feel your heart
Briefing next to mine (x2)
For all I might lose
If you bring you home
Right into my arms
Right where you belong
There's a place for us
There's one dream of you
Music wakes me up
Are you dreaming too?
Time to be free
Time to see me
Time to let me in your heart (x2)
I'm running out of time
Searching for your smile
To feel your heart
Briefing next to mine (x2)
To mïne... (x10)
What's that feeling that I get?
My heart is drowning in regret.
Hands are shaking, eyes are full of shame.
Lost myself, but I don't care,
I'm going but I don't know where.
My feet are taking me away from you.
Only you .. only you..
My beautiful dream, I loved you
Only you .. only you
You gave me your heart x2
I have no reason now to stay,
But I will think of you and pray
That you will find someone to love again.
I'm leaving and I won't come back
You'll find your way, you'll be alright,
But promise me you won't forget my name.
(Mishelle):Only you .. only you..
My beautiful dream, I loved you
Only you .. only you
You gave me your heart.
(Randi): Only you .. only you..
My beautiful dream, I loved you
Only you .. only you
You gave me your heart.
Only you .. only you..
My beautïful dream, I loved you
Only you .. only you
You gave me your heart x2
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